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2018-01-07 17:01:30作者:佚名来源:本站整理浏览:1955



  Chris (BSAA Mission): Reach Player Level 30
  Chris BSAA 套装 : Raid模式升级到30级

  Chris (Sailor) Inflict 100,000 points of damage to an enemy in one hit in Raid mode.
  Chris 水手服: Raid模式单发攻击敌人造成超过10万伤害

  HUNK (Umbrella) Successfully complete all stages on the Abyss difficulty with an S rank.
  Hunk 保护伞 : 在Abyss难度所有关卡达成S评价

  Jessica (Arctic) Successfully complete all Raid mode stages on the Chasm difficulty.
  Jessica 极地装: 完成所有 Chasm难度关卡

  Jessica (FBC) Reach Player Level 40
  Jessica FBC套装: Raid模式升级到40级

  Jessica (Scuba) Successfully complete all Raid mode stages on the Trench difficulty.
  Jessica 大腿装: 完成所有 Trench难度关卡

  Jill (BSAA Mission) Obtain a super rare weapon.
  Jill BSAA套装: 拿到一把稀有武器

  Jill (Pirate) Successfully complete The Ghost Ship bonus stage.
  Jill 海盗装: 完成 Ghost Ship 关卡

  Keith (Arctic) Successfully complete Campaign Episodes 4 through 6.
  Keith 极地装: 完成剧情模式第六章

  Keith (Ninja) Reach Player Level 50.
  Keith 忍者装: Raid模式升级到50级

  Keith (Office) Successfully complete all stages on the Chasm difficulty with an S rank.
  Keith 办公服: 在Chasm难度所有关卡达成S评价

  Morgan (Executive Suit) Successfully complete all stages on the Trench difficulty with an S rank.
  Morgan : 在Trench难度所有关卡达成S评价

  Norman (Veltro) Successfully complete all stages on the Abyss difficulty.
  Norman : 完成所有Abyss难度关卡

  OBrian (BSAA Coat) Reach Player Level 20.
  OBrian :Raid模式升级到20级

  Parker (BSAA Mission) Earn 10 bonuses in Raid mode.
  Parker BASS套装: 在Raid模式达成10个任务目标

  Parker (FBC) Defeat 10,000 enemies in Raid mode.
  Parker FBC套装: 在Raid模式杀死1万名敌人

  Quint (Arctic) Reach Player Level 5.
  Quint 极地装: 在Raid模式升级到5级

  Quint (Office) Obtain all super rare weapons.
  Quint 办公装: 获得所有稀有武器

  Rachael (FBC) Earn a Trinity Bonus in Raid mode.
  Rachael: 在Raid模式其中一个关卡达成Trinity Bonus(低於建议等级/击杀所宥敌人/无伤)

  Raymond (FBC) Reach Player Level 10.
  Raymond: 在Raid 模式升级到10级

软件大小: 7.73G



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IGN《螃蟹大战》实机操作太魔性 试玩小哥都被逗笑了


Tags: 责任编辑:小黑游戏
云即玩游戏盒 v1.0.4.4 官方版
类型:单机工具 大小:31.5M 版本: 时间:12-28


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