流行文化唱片公司Spacelab9宣布,将推出《上古卷轴5:天际(The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim)》的“终极版”黑胶唱片。

根据Spacelab9公布的消息,这套黑胶唱片将收录来自《上古卷轴5》的52首曲目,这些曲目都是屡获殊荣的作曲家Jeremy Soule的原创作品。

Side A
1. Dragonborn (3:56)
2. Awake (1:30)
3. From Past to Present (5:03)
4. Unbroken Road (6:21)
5. Ancient Stones (4:42)
6. The City Gates (3:45)
7. Silent Footsteps (2:50)
Side B
8. Dragonsreach (2:19)
9. Tooth and Claw (1:47)
10. Under and Ancient Sun (3:35)
11. Death or Sovngarde (2:57)
12. Masser (6:04)
13. Distant Horizons (3:50)
14. Dawn (3:56)
15. The Jerall Mountains (3:15)
Side C
16. Steel on Steel (1:41)
17. Secunda (2:03)
18. Imperial Throne (2:15)
19. Frostfall (3:22)
20. Night without Stars (0:41)
21. Into Darkness (2:50)
22. Kyne’s Peace (3:47)
23. Unbound (1:32)
24. Far Horizons (5:28)
Side D
25. A Winter’s Tale (3:19)
26. The Bannered Mare (2:25)
27. The Streets of Whiterun (4:01)
28. One They Fear (3:08)
29. The White River (3:28)
30. Silence Unbroken (2:20)
31. Standing Stones (6:37)
Side E
32. Beneath the Ice (4:12)
33. Tundra (3:46)
34. Journey’s End (4:07)
35. Before the Storm (1:03)
36. A Chance Meeting (3:10)
37. Out of the Cold (3:01)
38. Around the Fire (3:09)
39. Shadows and Echoes (2:18)
Side F
40. Caught off Guard (1:10)
41. Aurora (7:18)
42. Blood and Steel (2:09)
43. Towers and Shadows (2:21)
44. Seven Thousand Steps (1:05)
45. Solitude (2:10)
46. Watch the Skies (2:16)
47. The Gathering Storm (2:53)
48. Sky Above, Voice Within (3:56)
Side G
49. Death in the Darkness (2:36)
50. Shattered Shields (2:38)
51. Sovngarde (3:33)
52. Wind Guide You (9:02)
Side H
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