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盗贼之海的海盗公约是什么 海盗公约内容一栏

2018-03-25 10:00:00作者:佚名来源:本站整理浏览:1591


  第1条 海洋呼唤我们所有人


  第2条 海将我们团结在一起


  第3条 纠纷依靠海浪解决


  第4条 所有的机组人员都是平等的


  第5条 船员债券是神圣的


  第6条 尊重新的海盗和他们的航行


  第7条 那些骗子应该受到惩罚


  Thieves' community so closely in the game's development, we wanted to ensure they had just as much say in the Pirate Code. So while we had some definite hopes of our own for how players would treat one another, we took these to the official Forums and invited all Insiders to contribute. You can see the discussion thread here, and hear Executive Producer Joe Neate introduce our Pirate Code at the New York Comic Con 2017 panel.Origins of the Pirate CodeHaving involved Sea of Thieves' community so closely in the game's development, we wanted to ensure they had just as much say in the Pirate Code. So while we had some definite hopes of our own for how players would treat one another, we took these to the official Forums and invited all Insiders to contribute. You can see the discussion thread here, and hear Executive Producer Joe Neate introduce our Pirate Code at the New York Comic Con 2017 panel.479/5000 





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Tags: 责任编辑:小黑游戏
云即玩游戏盒 v1.0.4.4 官方版
类型:单机工具 大小:31.5M 版本: 时间:12-28


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