发表时间:2018-08-10 编辑:小黑游戏 来源:手游下载
《彩虹六号:围攻》是育碧的彩虹六号系列游戏,一款反恐题材射击游戏。就在昨天,育碧官方放出了新赛季的消息。据悉,新赛季命名为“Operation Grim Sky”,随着新赛季上线,还有新地图哦!那么什么时候能见到新赛季和新地图,一起来了解下吧!
育碧昨日正式公开了《彩虹六号:围攻》新赛季的部分情报,这次《彩虹六号:围攻》新赛季被命名为“Operation Grim Sky”,目前新赛季的海报也已放出。可以看到新赛季将有新地图和两名新探员加入,同时经典地图也将重做
These two Operators may associate with two different CTUs, but they are both joining Rainbow’s Urban Tactical Response Team, codenamed Grim Sky (or GSUTR).
The first Operator is a Defender from Great Britain. She’s a tough police officer who’s an expert on mob behavior and snatch-squad tactics. She knows she belongs on the front line and she won’t tolerate any nonsense.
The second Operator is an American Attacker, a specialist with a remarkably sharp mind when it comes to tactical operations. He has seen the worst in Kabul. Despite it all, he fell in love with the city. Legendary for his surgical precision, he remains an enigma within Rainbow Six.
We’re also introducing our first map rework. The map in question: Hereford Base. Despite the high chance of rain at this iconic training facility, we’re renovating the place and making many adjustments to raise the bar for competitive play.
A few gameplay enhancements are also making their way into Operation Grim Sky. Following a lengthy test phase, we’re bringing forth much-anticipated modifications to address the weapon sights misalignment. But that’s not all! In our constant pursuit to improve the game and the player experience, an adjustment with the Operator Idle Pick as well as dynamic resolution scaling for consoles are also on their way. Make sure to play on our test server and submit your feedback on R6 Fix.
Visit our Rainbow Six Twitch Channel on August 17-19th for the full reveal of Operation Grim Sky during the first ever Six Major in Paris.
第一位是来自英国的防守方干员。她是一-位强硬的警员, 也是反暴动和特种搜捕的专家。她深知自己隶属于前线,不能忍受任何无意义的话语和行为。
同时我们也要介绍我们此次完全重做的地图,也就是先前受到争议的地图:赫里福基地。尽管在这标志性的训练设施中天气阴晴不定,我们仍冒着风雨重新改建了这个地方, 并做出了多项改动,以使得这张地图的竞技性更上一-层楼。
有关于彩虹六号围攻新赛季Operation Grim Sky上线时间和具体的玩法,等到官方放出最新消息,小编会第一时间为大家带来, 敬请期待!