The latest entry in the Sakura series is more action-packed than ever before! Sakura Clickers is a fast-paced, exciting adventure, full of content, in which you defeat your foes with the power of your mouse!
Fearsome Foes - The battle never ends as you fight a horde of enemies, each one more powerful than the last as they attempt to impede your path.
Customisable Characters - As you earn gold from slaying your foes, you can purchase and outfit your hero with a variety of costumes.
Helpful Allies - You don't have to face these evils alone! As you progress you may also hire a number of allies that are dedicated to assisting you in fighting the evils that threaten the world.
Also included is 800+ moans as you defeat the monsters.
Voice Actors Credits:
北森あゆKitamori Ayu
カンザキカナリKanzaki Canari
九十九円Tsukumo Madoka
兼田めぐみKaneta Megumi
桐谷蝶々Kiritani Choucho
土井友加里Doi Yukari
ありかわ真奈Arikawa Mana
渋井美貴Shibui Miki
工藤マミKudou Mami
飯田さちIida Sachi
安田みずほYasuda Mizuho
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